Could Your 'Healthy' Diet Be Making You Sick?

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Are you struggling with a persistent health issue that won't resolve despite your best efforts? Or perhaps your current medications and treatments are not addressing the underlying cause of your illness, and you're seeking a solution that will? If this resonates with you or someone you know, consider some important information and explore our LEAP MRT Food Sensitivity Testing service.

Have you tried to fix your issues yourself with low FODMAP, Autoimmune Paleo, Keto, or Carnivore to no avail?

If so, the MRT test for food sensitivities might be just what you need to identify the culprits and start feeling better.

Helps Individuals Living With:


Hashimoto's Thyroiditis


Weight Loss Resistance


Arthritis/Joint Pain

Chronic Fatigue

Depressed Mood/Anxiousness

Skin Erruptions/Acne/Hives

Enjoy Customized Meal Plans Based on MRT Lab Testing

Work with clinical nutritionist, JoAnn for guidance and support during your LEAP Program. With her help, you will enjoy delicious recipes with your low-reactive foods!

The MRT/Oxford Difference:

One of the most important differences between Oxford and other food sensitivity labs is that of clinical experience. From 1996-2001 Oxford operated several clinics dedicated entirely to the treatment of diet-induced inflammation- related health problems (Oxford Nutritional Centers).

Research has demonstrated that sensitivities to foods and food chemicals can trigger an inflammatory response, leading to various painful symptoms and chronic health issues. If your illness is related to the foods and additives in your diet, medications will only mask the symptoms rather than address the root cause. Additionally, many medications can have side effects that create new health problems. Without properly addressing food sensitivities, you might endure years of suffering and spend thousands on treatments that never provide the relief you seek.

MRT Food Sensitivity Information and Investment Options:

MRT Food Sensitivity Test by Oxford Biomedical Technologies

The MRT (Mediator Release Test) is a blood test that checks how your body reacts to different foods. It shows which foods cause a lot of inflammation and which ones don't. This helps you understand which foods might be causing you problems.

The test measures the release of chemicals that cause inflammation, making it easier to identify foods that your body tolerates well and those that don't. The results of this test help create a personalized eating plan to improve your health.

LEAP Food Elimination Program

LEAP stands for Lifestyle Eating and Performance.

We focus on finding the best foods for you. These foods will be part of an easy-to-follow eating plan. Even though this program involves cutting out certain foods, we focus on what you can eat and enjoy.

This helps you take an active role in your healing journey. You’ll work with a Nutritionist to choose foods that support your health.

The foods that cause the least reaction in the MRT test are usually the ones your body tolerates well. These foods are often ones you like to eat. They will be the main part of your personalized LEAP eating plan, making sure your diet is both enjoyable and good for your health

Your Investment Options:

Option 1:

MRT Results plus a packet going over results and LEAP Protocol

Customized Meal Plan NOT Included

60-minute call to go over results:

Total Investment:


Option 2:


30-60 minute Nutrition Consult going over your MRT results.

7, 15-minute follow up sessions

Mediator Release Test (MRT)

Suggested Meal Ideas for Weeks 1-12

Supplement Recommendations

Total Investment:



30-60 minute Nutrition Consult going over your MRT results.

14, 15 minute follow up sessions

Mediator Release Test (MRT)

Suggested Meal Ideas for Weeks 1-26

Supplement Recommendations

Total Investment:


Avoid Food Confusion and Begin Your Clear Path to Food Freedom!

The MRT/LEAP is your answer if you are currently living with:

  • Weight loss resistance

  • Fatigue

  • Autoimmune

  • Gas/Bloating

  • Chronic Pain/Inflammation

  • Stomachache

  • Acid Reflux/GERD

  • Diarrhea

  • Constipation

  • Arthritis

  • Depressed mood or anxiousness

  • Rashes

An All-Too-Common Problem...

Tens of millions of Americans suffer from food sensitivities. Many know that sometimes foods seem to cause symptoms, but they haven’t been able to figure out their reactive foods, so they keep on suffering.

Book Your Free Call Below

Frequently Asked Questions

What's the difference between food allergies and food sensitivities?

Food Allergy: A food allergy is an exaggerated immune response triggered by specific foods such as eggs, peanuts, or milk.

Food Sensitivity/Intolerance: According to Oxford Biomedical Technologies, food sensitivities are intricate immune reactions that differ significantly from typical allergies. Unlike allergic reactions, which involve a direct immune response, food sensitivities occur when certain foods trigger white blood cells to release inflammatory mediators such as cytokines, prostaglandins, and leukotrienes. These mediators lead to inflammation and can cause various symptoms, including pain and discomfort. This process is distinct from the mechanisms of allergic reactions, making it difficult for standard allergy tests to detect food sensitivities or intolerances. MRT (Mediator Release Test) is designed specifically to identify these non-allergic immune responses and help pinpoint the foods that may be causing issues.

What causes food sensitivities?

Overconsumption: Eating too much of the same food, like wheat found in various meals, can lead to sensitivity.

Leaky Gut Syndrome: When the gut lining is inflamed, small openings allow undigested proteins and bacteria into the bloodstream, causing allergies and infections.

Lack of Probiotics: Friendly bacteria in the intestines are essential for gut health. Antibiotics, stress, poor diet, and other factors can disrupt this balance, leading to issues. Overworked Immune System: Stress, pollution, and chemicals in food strain the immune system, reducing its ability to handle food antigens.

Genetics: Food allergies and intolerances often run in families. If both parents have allergies, their children have a higher chance of developing them. Genetic variations can also determine the severity of sensitivities, such as to lactose or nightshades.

What Can I Expect During the Consultation?

During your initial consultation with a clinical nutritionist, we will listen to your concerns and determine if we are able to work with you and address your needs. Once you've scheduled your appointment, you can expect us to give you a call at the appointed time, ask some questions to understand the basics of your story, answer questions, and plan next steps. If our program isn't a fit for you, we will recommend another provider to better suit your needs.

Who Should Not Participate in this Program?

Our program is designed to help individuals identify and manage food sensitivities through a structured process of elimination and reintroduction of foods. Please note that this program is not suitable for individuals with a history of disordered eating, as it involves the elimination of certain foods, which may not be appropriate for those with such conditions. If you have a history of disordered eating, we recommend seeking specialized support .

Do You Accept Insurance?

Unfortunately, we are a cash payment provider. We do accept HSA/FSA cards.

Am I going to have to take supplements?

While we strive for a food-first approach, based on some functional testing, some supplements will be recommended to help fill in some nutrition gaps. We will provide you with a protocol so you can easily track your supplements. Supplements will be carefully chosen to NOT contain any reactive ingredients.

How Long with I need to avoid my reactive foods on the LEAP Plan?

It’s crucial to avoid foods that trigger an immune response in your body. The safest way to determine if you can reintroduce a previously reactive food is through a “challenge” after a period of avoidance, typically lasting three to six months. This reintroduction process should be supervised by your healthcare provider to ensure it’s done safely. In some situations, it may be necessary to retest to assess if your reactions to certain foods have changed, as sensitivities can evolve over time. Retesting is generally guided by clinical needs—such as if you start experiencing symptoms again despite adhering to your dietary plan. This helps in adjusting your plan to maintain your health effectively.

Is it possible to feel worse while on this eating plan?

When you start eliminating reactive foods from your diet, it's not uncommon to feel temporarily worse before you feel better. You might experience symptoms like reduced energy, increased aches and pains, headaches, irritability, or a general sense of feeling worse rather than better. While this can be discouraging, it’s actually a positive sign indicating that your body is beginning to recover. Food sensitivities can act similarly to food addictions. Physicians treating food sensitivities have long observed that patients often experience temporary withdrawal symptoms when they stop eating reactive foods.

This phase is believed to be part of a "cleaning up" process where your body clears out allergens and recalibrates its biochemical balance. To manage this discomfort, it's important to be prepared. If you regularly consume caffeine, consider gradually reducing your intake before starting your elimination diet to minimize headaches, drowsiness, and fatigue associated with caffeine withdrawal. If you do experience withdrawal symptoms, stay in close contact with your healthcare provider and follow their advice.

Over-the-counter pain relievers like Tylenol or Advil may help alleviate some discomfort, as long as you aren't sensitive to any of their ingredients. Additionally, drinking plenty of water can help ease the temporary symptoms of withdrawal. Remember, these initial reactions are usually a sign that your body is adjusting and moving towards a healthier state. Stick with the program and consult your doctor for support and guidance.

Can I still eat out while on this program?

Maintaining your food sensitivity program while dining out is entirely possible, but it does require careful planning and awareness of hidden sources of reactive foods. Here are a few tips to help you navigate this:

Advance Planning: Before heading to a restaurant, review their menu online or call ahead to discuss your dietary needs with the staff. This helps ensure there are safe options available for you.

Communicate Clearly: When you arrive, inform your waiter or the chef about your specific food sensitivities. Ask detailed questions about the ingredients used in dishes, including potential hidden sources of reactive foods.

Educate Yourself: Familiarize yourself with common and hidden sources of your reactive substances. This knowledge is invaluable for identifying potential triggers in restaurant dishes.

Refer to Resources: For more detailed guidance, check the sections on "Common & Hidden Sources of Test Substances" and "Restaurant and Travel Tips." These resources provide comprehensive information to help you stay on track while enjoying meals away from home. With these strategies, you can enjoy eating out while adhering to your dietary plan and avoiding any food sensitivities.

Can I "cheat" on this plan?

Consuming foods that your body reacts to can have significant setbacks on your health progress, potentially delaying your recovery by weeks. For this reason, it's crucial to avoid any foods that have tested as reactive or are known to trigger symptoms. However, life can sometimes make it challenging to stick strictly to your dietary plan. If you find yourself in such a situation, the best alternative is to limit your intake to foods that are low-reactive according to your test results. This strategy can help you manage until you can fully return to your original plan.

Keep in mind that the more you deviate from your prescribed diet, the more you risk compromising your results. When you adhere to your LEAP Program, you should notice a significant reduction in cravings within the first 5-10 days. It's important to remember that cheating on your program won’t provide any long-term benefits and often leads to problems in the short, medium, and long term. One way to help resist cravings is to reframe your perspective on reactive foods. Think of these foods as toxins to your system. For example, many people crave chocolate, but imagine if that chocolate was laced with poison—most would avoid it at all costs.

Understanding that reactive foods are essentially harmful to your body can make it easier to find healthier alternatives. By staying committed to your LEAP Program and recognizing the harm of reactive foods, you can better navigate your diet and work towards optimal health.

How accurate is MRT Testing?

A blinded peer reviewed scientific study showed MRT to have the highest level of accuracy of any food sensitivity blood test:  94.5% sensitivity and 91.8% specificity.

What are patient/client testimonials with MRT/LEAP?

You can follow this link on Oxford Biomedical's website to read about testimonials:

JoAnn Clinton, MSCN

JoAnn Clinton is an accomplished professional with a rich background in the field of wellness.

With over 11 years of experience as a bodyworker in the field of holistic health, JoAnn has honed her skills to provide comprehensive care and promote holistic well-being.

As a practicing Clinical Nutritionist for the past 3 years, JoAnn's expertise lies in empowering individuals to optimize their health through personalized dietary approaches.

With thousands of hours dedicated to training in nutrition and bodywork, JoAnn offers an integrated and effective approach to healing. Furthermore, JoAnn holds a master's degree in clinical nutrition from the prestigious Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine, further solidifying her knowledge and credentials in the field.

With a commitment to continual learning and a genuine desire to transform lives, JoAnn is dedicated to helping clients unlock their true health potential. Join her on the path to vibrant well-being and discover a harmonious balance of mind, body, and nutrition.

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The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational & educational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. No guarantee is provided or implied. Results may vary based on each patient’s physical health and adherence to the care plan designed by the nutritionist. These statements have not been evaluated by the United States Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease.

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